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Artist Talk with AiR Sarah Lewtas

Saturday, October 14th 2023, 12-2pm
Eastern Edge Studios, 72 Harbour Drive
1-2 hours (artist talk followed by Q&A period)

Join us for an artist talk with our International Atlantic Exchange Artist in Residence, Sarah Lewtas! Sarah will be discussing her practice and how it’s developed over time. After the talk, we will have a short Q&A period where attendees are welcome to ask Sarah about her work.

No registration is required. We look forward to seeing you!


Artist Bio:

Sarah Lewtas was born in London and grew up in East Sussex. She returned to London to study painting at St. Martins and moved to Ireland in 1979 coming to Dunlewey shortly afterwards. She has developed a work practice based mainly but not exclusively on sculptural installation using various mediums bookbinding, printing, sculpting, sewing assemblage etc. . Lewtas has taken part in a variety of exhibitions, residencies, and symposia here in Ireland and abroad. Her primary interest is in the ‘Spirit of Place’ and connections between landscape and culture, conscious and unconscious.

Times and Locations

October 14, 2023

12:00 pm

72 Harbour Drive