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Accessibility Renovations

We are thrilled to finally announce that Eastern Edge is currently renovating our space to make it  wheelchair accessible. It’s been a long time coming, but next time you visit EE (hopefully) the floors will be leveled out, the doors will be push-button operated, and glass panel doors will be installed! Goodbye solid metal doors! 👋 This is just the start of our continued commitment to improving access to our arts centre. 
These improvements are primarily to the corridor and entrance area, so they benefit not only Eastern Edge and our visitors, but also anyone wanting to access Wonderbolt Circus/ THE SPACE and St. Michael’s Printshop.  We want to thank our friends and neighbours that we share this building with for remaining flexible around the renovations.
Below you can listen to Josh Menchions, Founder of Accessible NL interview Daniel Rumbolt about the process of making our space accessible, and some of our dreams for our space in the future.
Thank you Accessible NL and Choices for Youth for partnering with us to make these renovations possible 💜💜💜

We would also like to thank and acknowledge and thank the City of St. John’s Captial grant for their support of this project.