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Welcome Geraldine Timlin and Pedro Rebelo, our Ireland Exchange AiRs

Welcome to the rock, Geraldine Timlin and Pedro Rebelo, who join us through the International Atlantic Residency Exchange! Their residency at EE Studios runs from July 26th to August 25th.

“We have been exploring NL as part of our international artists exchange residency program capturing soundscapes, landscapes, stories and experiences of the shared connections between Newfoundland and Ireland. The hospitality and warm welcome we have received has been wonderful, making us feel right at home here. The clear appreciation of being rooted, connected to the land, sea, sky and the sense of connection of those who came before is evident here in the rich tapestry of cultures.

We are really looking forward to creating new work from our time here and building on the connections we have made with NL and its people on our return to Ireland at the end of August.”