This Code of Conduct is a broad-reaching policy aimed at addressing the expectation of behaviour placed upon all representatives of the Eastern Edge (EE) as well as users and stakeholders accessing EE’S equipment and facilities, and participating in any and all EE’S events. This Code of Conduct can be leaned upon in instances of oppression, discrimination and harassment and should be changed when deemed necessary by the Board of Directors to reflect definitions of inclusion which expand over time. EE recognizes that policies of this nature are inherently incomplete, and must coincide with ongoing dialogue and education.
EE recognizes patriarchal systems in which many arts organizations in Canada operate. EE acknowledges the existence of internalized misogyny, white supremacy, neo-colonialism, rape culture, and systemic gendered pressures based on normalized patriarchal gender roles and as normalized societal framework. EE is committed to anti-oppression practices in all aspects of its operations to combat these systems. - SCOPE
The Code of Conduct applies to two overall groups of individuals: “Representatives” of EE, which includes all employees, short and long-term contractors, exhibiting/participating artists, board members and short and long-term volunteers. And “Stakeholders” of EE, which includes members, facility users, audience and event attendees and organizational partners. Involvement with EE in any of the above capacities implicates agreement to this Code of Conduct.
EE acknowledges that representatives of the centre are responsible for adhering to this Code of Conduct within the community, within their professional lives and at all on and off-site EE events. As a representative of EE these individuals enjoy a relative position of power within the arts community that must not be exploited or leveraged at the expense of others. - SAFER SPACE
Use of EE’S facilities and participation in all public EE events is a privilege. EE will not tolerate any instance of discrimination or violent acts, which include but are not limited to: racism, white supremacy, sexism, heterosexism, cissexism/transmisogyny, ableism, ageism, sizeism, sexualized and all acts of violence and harassment. EE believes and prioritizes the voices of survivors and victims of sexualized violence. Care for yourself and others.EE affirms its commitment to anti-oppression in its practices and operations with special consideration paid to the following areas of the society: membership, access to and use of facilities and equipment, programming and events, and volunteer and professional opportunities. Involvement with these aspects of the organization implies collaborative support in making EE a safer and more caring space to occupy.
Harm and oppression towards others, including content of work produced and shown through EE will not be tolerated. Acts by representatives and stakeholders which make others feel unwelcome, exploited or uncomfortable within a framework of oppression or harassment can be communicated to the HR Committee, Staff or Board of Directors – complaints will be taken seriously, addressed promptly, and treated with care to the best of our abilities. Staff is available as the first line of communication via the office phone or email, and EE is responsible for making contact information for emergency resources available in our facility.
Eastern Edge (EE) is committed to fostering a harassment-free space where all representatives and stakeholders are treated with respect and dignity. EE recognizes the right for representatives and stakeholders to approach the Human Resources Committee or any staff member in confidence and anonymity when an instance of conflict or unsafe behaviour has occurred. EE’s board, staff and personnel committee adhere to a survivor-centric approach to harassment complaints, and will care for those who take on the cost and risk of coming forward.EE has a zero-tolerance policy for any form of workplace harassment or assault. The Canadian Human Rights Act protects employees from harassment based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, disability or pardoned conviction.
Representatives and stakeholders who have been accused of harassing another individual may be subject to disciplinary action as per the powers of the Board of Directors. This includes anyone who interferes with the resolution of a harassment complaint or retaliates against an individual for filing a harassment complaint.
Definitions (Source: the Canadian Human Rights Commission)
Personal harassment is: offending or humiliating someone physically or verbally; threatening or intimidating someone; or making unwelcome jokes or comments about someone’s race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, disability or pardoned conviction.Sexual harassment is: offensive or humiliating behaviour that is related to a person’s sex; behaviour of a sexual nature that creates an intimidating, unwelcome, hostile or offensive environment; or behaviour of a sexual nature that could reasonably be thought to put sexual conditions on a person’s professional opportunities.
EE acknowledges that sexualized violence and harassment can be experienced by all people(s) but disproportionately affects: cis gender females, trans women, two-spirited individuals, and any female-identifying and non- binary folk. EE realizes these issues do not exist in a vacuum and hopes to uphold an intersectional approach to all racialized and sexualized issues and how EE may be perpetuating them.
Stakeholders and representatives of the Centre shall respect and maintain the confidentiality of information gained while working with EE, including but not limited to, all computer software and files, EE business documents and printouts, and all personal, donor and supporter records. Stakeholders and representatives will also respect and maintain the confidentiality of individual personal information about persons involved with EE as well as confidential information pertaining to the Society itself and any collaborator and partner organizations. - IMPLEMENTATION
Strict observance of the Code is fundamental to EE’s activity, reputation and mandate. Adherence to the Code of Conduct is agreed upon implicitly by involvement with the centre. The Board of Directors has approved this Code of Conduct and shall administer it, including enacting any necessary disciplinary action.EE recognizes that not all people(s) have (or have had) equal access or understandings to the structure of its policies and procedures. EE upholds the responsibility to make clear these documents to those who may require or request further explanation or clarification.
Accountability for respect of safer space, and anti-oppression policies falls on the individual. Poor judgement will first result in constructive feedback from Staff or the Board of Directors (whichever is more appropriate). If an ongoing problem is identified more severe consequences will follow such as removal or restriction from participating in EE events and using EE facilities, revocation of membership, and in the cases of representatives of EE, dismissal from the individual’s position.
EE reserves the right for its employees or Board members trained in Trauma Response to identify or respond to an incident where an individual does not feel safe or has been made to feel unsafe within EE’s operations or within an event space that EE is operating. The HR Committee on the Board of Directors will be responsible for providing Trauma Response training (via third party or via the committee if adequately trained themselves) for employees and board members. EE is committed, to the best of its ability, to an environment of anti-oppression for any space where EE members or programming may be operating.