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Anuta Skrypnychenko | The Mermaids Project


Opening reception/Afterparty for the Rooms Friday May 27 
9:30pm till late
All welcome

The Mermaids Project is an ongoing series of ceramics that explore our dichotomous relationship to the ocean through the mythical figure of the mermaid. In this work, Skrypnychenko re-figures the ancient archetype as a present-day protector of her domain. Disturbed by political conflicts at sea and poisoned by offshore mining for oil and minerals, the enigmatic and beautiful figure is provoked to become a warrior.

Myths about the hybrid of woman and fish exist in many cultures. Mermaids are fascinating and dangerous, beautiful and monstrous. How might their mystery and meaning shift as we move towards the ability to map every inch of the ocean floor? Skrypnychenko’s figures pose questions about how we find space for myth in our lives, and honour the ocean as a powerful unknown.

Anuta Skrypnychenko lives in Toronto where she is pursuing a post-graduate degree in Design Strategy at the Institute without Boundaries (IwB). The focus of her work and studies at the IwB is Iveragh Peninsula, a coastal region in Ireland located in County Kerry. Currently she is working on a system of walking, cycling and paddling maps and a guidebook for the Skellig Kerry Ways and Iveragh Peninsula.

Originally from Kyiv, Ukraine,Skrypnychenko moved to Canada in 2004. She holds a Bachelor’s of Fine Arts from the University of Guelph (2010). She has exhibited work at the Art Metropole, XPACE, Gallery 44, AGO, Cambridge Galleries, Toronto Urban Film Festival, Galerie Les Territoires and at the Museum of Photography Thessaloniki.



Photography by Noah Bender.