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The rOGUE Gallery Presents, INFESTATION | Georgia Dawkin

Click here to read the exhibition text by Terry Doyle.

INFESTATION is an exploration of the overwhelming thoughts and anxieties that exist in a person’s mind and inhibit their daily lives. In nature a multitude of toads or frogs is an indicator of a healthy, thriving, ecosystem. While naturally they may be an indicator of well being, INFESTATION exhibits the toads as an invasion of space and thought. They are chaotic, overwhelming, and debilitation of the space. Georgia uses a combination of photos and 300 plexiglass toads which are bright, distracting, and fake in their attempt of being stable to signify a falsified stable environment. This simultaneously becomes a projection of her own unstable mind.

Georgia Dawkin is an interdisciplinary emerging artist currently working towards completing her BFA at Grenfell Campus, Memorial University. Originally from British Columbia, Georgia moved to St. John’s in 2015 to study psychology and neuroscience, later transferring to the Grenfell Visual Arts program in Corner Brook where she currently resides. Her practice explores ideas of home, belonging, her personal experiences with mental illness, and she was awarded the Ellen Rusted Award for Print Media in 2018. She is an avid community arts participant and also works with the Grenfell Art Gallery as a gallery assistant.