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HOLD FAST Festival is a celebration of contemporary performance, interdisciplinary art, and community engagement in St. John’s, Ktaqmkuk/NL.  This year’s festival takes place August 20-24

Our core values are:
  • Facilitating community engagement and meaningful exchange
  • Increasing public arts literacy
  • Creating opportunities for artists
  • Critiquing and subverting structural oppressions & systems of power, with emphasis on:
    • queer, feminist, and anti-racist perspectives
    • Newfoundland & Labrador regional identity
    • and Indigenous resistance to colonialism

HOLD FAST culminates in a Saturday afternoon Art Crawl, a series of performances, installations, and interactive pop-ups staged outdoors and in non-gallery venues across downtown St. John’s. Past programming has included performances, interactive installations, artist talks, workshops, dance, drag, burlesque, film screenings, and free community events for people of all ages.

HOLD FAST respectfully acknowledges that the land we are occupying is the unceded and ancestral homelands of the Beothuk and that Ktaqmkuk, known as the island of Newfoundland, is home to the Mi’kmaq peoples. We would also like to recognize the Inuit of Nunatsiavut and NunatuKavut, and the Innu of Nitassinan as the original peoples of Labrador. We strive to move beyond acknowledgment to active solidarity, by building meaningful relationships in our communities, dismantling structures of white supremacy, and opposing ongoing colonization. We invite our communities to consider their own responsibilities to Indigenous peoples and to the stolen lands where we make our homes.


HOLD FAST 2024 Featured Artists

Call for Workshops & Pop-Up Programming

Eastern Edge is seeking proposals for Workshops & Pop-Up Performances to be presented as part of HOLD FAST 2024!

Presenters will receive a $200 honorarium, with preference given to local artists and collectives. Workshop leaders will receive up to $100 in material reimbursementswith receipts.

Deadline: July 7, 2024, 11:59pm
Festival Dates: 
August 20-24, 2024

To learn more, and to apply, click here. Questions? Contact us at:

HOLD FAST Festival is a celebration of contemporary performance, interdisciplinary art, and community engagement in St. John’s, Ktaqmkuk/NL.  This year’s festival takes place August 20-24. 

Our core values are:
  • Facilitating community engagement and meaningful exchange
  • Increasing public arts literacy
  • Creating opportunities for artists
  • Critiquing and subverting structural oppressions & systems of power, with emphasis on:
    • queer, feminist, and anti-racist perspectives
    • Newfoundland & Labrador regional identity
    • and Indigenous resistance to colonialism

HOLD FAST culminates in a Saturday afternoon Art Crawl, a series of performances, installations, and interactive pop-ups staged outdoors and in non-gallery venues across downtown St. John’s. Past programming has included performances, interactive installations, artist talks, workshops, dance, drag, burlesque, film screenings, and free community events for people of all ages.

HOLD FAST acknowledges the First Peoples of the lands where our work is situated; the Mi’kmaq, Beothuk, Innu, and Inuit, of Ktaqmkuk, Nitassinan, Nunatsiavut, and NunatuKavut. We strive to move beyond acknowledgment to active solidarity, by building meaningful relationships in our communities, dismantling structures of white supremacy, and opposing ongoing colonization. We invite our communities to consider their own responsibilities to Indigenous peoples and to the stolen lands where we make our homes.