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Sam Moss: Cold Nights

Opening Reception: Saturday, February 25th from 7:00 to 9:00 PM

Cold Nights is a collection of illustrative portraits of varying media. The work is embedded with imagery
representative of my hometown in Labrador and the east coast of Newfoundland—through botany, wild
animals and landscapes. The portraits are illustrative in style and express my interest in storytelling, design and painting. Each piece of Cold Nights is its own experiment in color, narrative and illustrative style. Collected over a few years, the creation of Cold Nights was a slow and therapeutic process. Over that time, I navigated through the waters of being a post-BFA artist to becoming a full-time student again while also trying to continue my artistic practice. The resulting work is a collection of smaller travel-friendly pieces, in media ranging from sketchbook pages to digital paintings.

Sam Moss is an ex-Haligonian born in Labrador City, and currently living in St. John’s. She graduated with a BFA from NSCAD University in 2014, and is currently studying Computer Engineering at Memorial
University. When not debugging code, she likes to draw/make/destroy things.