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“Eel Song”, by Jenelle Duval

EE is excited to share with you “Eel Song”, written and performed by Jenell Duval.

“Proof that Jenelle Duval can give you goosebumps even via FB live” was commented on our Facebook Live stream as Jenelle’s voice filled our gallery with her original song, “Eel Song”. Jenelle wrote this song as a response to The Middle River by artists Pam Hall and Jerry Evans. Along with the opening reception to this show, we were happy to host Jenelle as she gave her first performance of such a stunning piece.

Jenelle Duval is a singer and song-writer from St. George’s, Ktaqmkuk (Newfoundland). Her work is centered in contemporary narratives pertaining to her relationship with the land, Mi’kmaq identity, language and reclamation of cultural practices. Best known for her years of work with award-winning ensemble, Eastern Owl, Jenelle is currently working on her debut solo-album, set to be released in the winter of 2021.

If you’d like to hear more about the song, click here to be brought to the recording of The Middle River Opening Reception and skip to 9:57 on the video.