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Annual General Meeting 2020

Click here to download the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2020 PROGRAM

Eastern Edge Art Gallery is inviting you to our Annual General Meeting (AGM) on November 15th, 2020, from 1 to 3 pm. You have the option to attend in person or via Zoom! To plan our resources, we require pre-registration; please click here to fill out the form

Our AGM is the perfect way for you to get up to date on all of EE’s developments over the past year. Come learn about the creation of our FARR Program—a residency designed to support artistic practices at a distance—as well as our plans to renovate our physical infrastructure to make our space more accessible, our acquisition of funding to develop an Anti-Racism Action Program for NL arts communities, and more! We’re so excited to share our plans for the future, and how you can get involved.

We will be voting in new board members as well, so be sure to spread the word and to apply if you are interested. We’ll also be informing you about committees and how you can participate. Can’t wait to see you all there!

Before our AGM, EE is hosting a Town Hall on Sunday, November 1st, from 2 to 4 pm. Our Town Hall is a focused conversation on developing a sustainable approach to radical community engagement within the arts, so that we can best represent our members and shape our goals for EE that we will present at the AGM. Click here for more information on the Town Hall. 

These events are FREE and OPEN TO EVERYONE. Share with your friends. Sign language interpreters and Child Care available on request before November 9th.


Join the Eastern Edge Gallery Board of Directors!

Eastern Edge is looking for dedicated and passionate community members to be voted into our board of directors during our Annual General Meeting on Sunday, November 15th, 2020! In the past year, the gallery has continued to thrive and grow, making it a perfect time to get involved in Newfoundland and Labrador’s premier artist-run centre.

Eastern Edge is seeking board members who:

  • Have a passion for and experience within the arts community
  • Is committed to aid in developing and implementing anti-racist frameworks and practices within our artist-run centre, and to work with staff and community partners to help build equity within our organization.
  • Is committed to supporting the Eastern Edge mandate to facilitate critical dialogue concerning issues in contemporary art and society, actively encouraging emerging and established artists whose work speaks to feminist, queer, BIPOC, and other diverse perspectives.
  • *We are also seeking individuals with experience or interest in the role of Treasurer. This person will work with staff to develop budgets and monthly/annual reports for the board of directors.

If you are interested, please email a bio, CV, and short cover letter to letting us know why you would like to join the EE Team.

We ask that board members dedicate themselves to the following requirements:

– A monthly board meeting.

– At least 5 hours of volunteer work per month.

– Sitting on at least one of the following committees: Programming (Main Gallery + EE Studio Residencies), rOGUE Gallery, Fundraising, Membership and Outreach, Human Resources.

Experience with or interest in contemporary visual art, artist-run centres, artist collectives, and non-profit organizations is considered an asset. We look forward to hearing from you!

Eastern Edge
Annual General Meeting 2020

November 15th, 2020, 1:00 pm

Welcome & Call for AGM to begin

  1. Approval of the Agenda
  2. Approval of the Minutes from the 2019 AGM (see below)
  3. Annual Reports
  • Chair of the Board Report (Jenne Nolan)
  • Programming Report (Luke Quinton)
  • rOGUE Gallery Report (Graham Cox)
  • Treasurer’s Report (Graham Cox) 
  • Membership & Outreach Report (Jonny Lush)
  • Human Resources Report (Nicole Boggan)
  • Director’s Report + HOLD FAST (Daniel Rumbolt)
  1. Bios of new prospective Board Members

BREAK – Vote for new members, coffee, etc. (15 minutes)

  1. Results of Board Election
  2. Varia
  3. Closing Remarks
  4. Adjournment



Meeting Minutes
2019 Eastern Edge Annual General Meeting
Sunday, October 6, 2019, 1pm-3pm

-Enough people in attendance for quorum.
-Approval to start AGM, all in favour. 

-Approval of agenda, motioned started by Emily, seconded by Rachel. All in favour. 

-Daniel had an amendment to the minutes from last year’s AGM – Jerry Evans’s name was spelled incorrectly. 

-Approval of minutes from previous AGM – motion to approve Jennifer Young, seconded by Emily Pittman. All in favour.


Board Report

-Devin begins with the Board report, including his resignation. 

-Devin reminds all present of the responsibilities of the board, as well as the availability of sign up sheets in the back. Devin placed emphasis on the need for fundraising efforts going forward. 

-volunteer engagement has been weaker in the past few years.

Treasurer’s Report

-Graham begins the Treasurer’s Report and explains the function of the report i.e. it reiterates what Devin recapped with numbers/revenue/expenditures attached. 

-offers opportunity for questions and comments.

-Daniel adds that Philippa has made efforts to diversify sources of income for the gallery.

-Graham reminds people of fundraising efforts, tickets still available.

-Rachel asks if the gallery has any investments? Philippa explains that we need to be careful with accrued money in our financial statements.
-Philippa explains that the Mary McDonald Foundation is housed in EE but not part of EE. There’s an agreement that EE cannot remove the money from the account without the agreement of the directors of the MMF.

-Graham returns to fundraising activity recap, including 24 Hour Art Marathon, raffle and upcoming Fare and Square


Programming Report

-Devin reads Matthew Hollett’s programming report, as he is unable to attend the AGM. 

-Philippa adds that Emily Jan also returned for Hold Fast 2019. 

-Philippa reminds people that the call for Programming is open, we are programmed up until Fall 2020. 

-Philippa adds that we do about 200 events a year, including rentals and community partnerships.

Director’s Report

Philippa jumps in with the Director’s report – need link 

-Land-based Residency

 -opportunities for emerging artists, but also established artists such as Marlene Creates, through opportunity to offer mentorship to more emerging artists.

-reminds folks that there will be an artist talk and performance at Middle Cove featuring the artists from this residency. 

International Atlantic Residency Exchange Program

-ARTLINK connection


Hold Fast 

-currently receives about $10,000 in funding. 

-Hold Fast currently offered at the cost of EE and the community, volunteers, and staff.

-we want to approve and evolve within fundraising constraints, but it takes all community goodwill for the good year.

-because of the toll of HF, HF will partner with Lawnya Vawnya–meaning another HF in May 2020.

-Mireille asks if it would be possible to do a similar festival with  special project funding from Canada Council? Philippa and Daniel answer it would require a strong commitment from Board and committees

-Additional funding for a curator in the plan for future years

-Anti-racism funding from Canadian Heritage, want to partner with anti-racism NL to assess structural racism in organization in 2020.



-EE wants to hire more independent curators but it is a significant expense.



-sustaining funding program – only St. Michael’s and EE is funded through this stream, in a good position.



-Maintenance (e.g. repairs, painting and plastering, replacing track lighting, etc) is costly, but EE has gone without for so long. Investing in maintenance elevates exhibitions.



-maintaining three positions is vital, operations have expanded significantly with the new space and we do so many events

-Philippa announces that she will be going on maternity leave and Daniel will step in as interim director. 

Nelson asks if there will be another programming assistant to help Daniel? Philippa answers yes, there will be an assistant director. Potential for the new programming assistant to advance into that position but that is TBC. 

-Michelle asks how positions are funded? Do we use JCP? Are there age limitations? Just one of EE positions is JCP, another is funded through Jobs NL. Easter Seals is another funding source for staffing.  

-The nature of the funding requires we shift the funding around/hire new people, as can’t be used more than once for the same person. 

-Jennifer asks if there funding support to hire newcomers (i.e. immigrant and refugee pops)? Philippa states the Axis program has been used by EE before, couldn’t use it this year because their funding was not confirmed in time. 


Prospective Board Members

  • Jenne Nolan – Devin presents on her behalf as she is unable to be here today.
  • Shelby Millwater – Devin presents on Shelby’s behalf, as she is located in Ottawa.

New prospective board members present about themselves and their statement of interest:
-Presentation from Michelle LaCour

-Presentation from Luke Quintan 

-Presentation from Rachel Webb

-Presentation from Jonny Lush


Results of Board election

-Michelle, Luke, Rachel and Jonny are all voted in. 



Everyone thanks Devin!

Present gift on behalf of board and staff to Devin. 


Motion to adjourn by Emily, seconded by Graham. 

All in favour to adjourn.