Contemporary Indigenous Art Practice in Atlantic Canada
SATURDAY September 23, 2017, 1:00 – 3:30 PM
@ the Carriage House at Beaconsfield, PEI, During Flotilla
Panel Moderator– Shannon Webb Campbell (Quebec/Newfoundland, Mi’kmaq)
Panelists: Meagan Musseau (Western Newfoundland, Mi’kmaq), Joanna Barker (Newfoundland,
Mi’kmaq), Lindsay Dobbin (Nova Scotia/New Brunswick, Mohawk)
As Indigenous and Indigenous-settler artists working together in Atlantic Canada, we have connections to our ancestral territories, but aren’t necessarily fixed to one place, as we draw from the lands, waters, and Traditional knowledge systems of Turtle Island.
Working in this particular era, what does it mean to be a contemporary Indigenous artist, and how does Atlantic Canada inform our multi-disciplinary practices.
Focusing on new modes of creative expression by NL, NB and NS-based Indigenous multi-disciplinaryartists, musicians, poets, and performance artists, this panel aims to create an inclusive entry point into the process of revisiting, telling and re-telling of personal and collective histories while navigating the art world.
Indigeneity and the legacy of cultural erasure within NL
Saturday, October 28, 3- 5pm @ Eastern Edge Gallery
Moderator: Jason Penney
Panelists: Logan MacDonald, Camille Georgeson-Usher and Megan Coles
Join exhibiting artist Logan MacDonald, Camille Georgeson-Usher and Megan Coles for a panel discussion moderated by curator Jason Penney.
The panel discussion will focus on Indigeneity and the legacy of cultural erasure within the province. What steps are required for this province to heal? What role does art play in speaking to the evolving identity of Newfoundland and Labrador?
Artists in conversation: Meagan Musseau and Jerry Evans
February 3rd at 1 pm @ Eastern Edge
Join us on Saturday, for an artist talk by Meagan Musseau about her practice and current exhibition “PEJIPUK”. Meagan’s work explores craft-based processes utilizing contemporary materials to negotiate body, land, a
nd site as points of action. Jerry Evans will be joining Meagan in conversation to talk about his journey with the Earthline Tattoo Collective.
Landless Band to Identify: Special Project Funding Pros & Cons
Thursday, April 12 at 7:30 PM – 9 PM @ LSPU Hall 2nd Space
Join us for the first instalment of our “Artists in Conversation” discussion series!
Philippa Jones (Executive Director of Eastern Edge Gallery) and Megan Gail Coles (Identify Project Manager) will be discussing the journey from the initial ‘Landless Band’ project funded by the Canada Council New Chapter Program, to the current festival titled Identify: A Celebration of Indigenous Arts and Culture. There will be a brief chat between Philippa and Megan, and then the floor will be open to questions and a discussion.
Reclaiming Traditional Skills followed by Skindigenous Screening
Sunday, April 15th, 10:30 am- 12:30 am @ Alt Hotel St. John’s
with artists Jordan Bennett, Jenelle Duval, Meagan Musseau, and Scott Butt.
Join us at the Alt Hotel St. John’s for a screening of the Skindigenous episode featuring our Identify artist Jordan Bennett! Afterwards, our panel of artists will have an open conversation around the reclamation of traditional skills through various mediums, including beadwork, tattooing, drum making performance, and more!
Sacred Art Practice: When To Share and When To Protect
Wednesday, April 18th, 8PM @ LSPU Hall Second Space
Join us at the LSPU Hall Second Space as visiting artists Brian Solomon, Medellin-Minke and Melissa Tremblett discuss Sacred Art Practice: When To Share and When To Protect.
Connecting Identity and Community Through Art
Thursday April 19th, 6:30PM @ LSPU Hall Second Space
A continuation of the “Artists in Conversation” Series, presented as part of Identify: A Celebration of Indigenous Arts and Culture.
Join us at the LSPU Hall Second Space as visiting artists Camille Georgeson- Usher, Meagan Musseau and Jennie Williams
A continuation of the “Artists in Conversation” Series, presented as part of Identify: A Celebration of Indigenous Arts and Culture.