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Year: 2020

rOGUE Call for Submissions | Extended Deadline April 17th, 2020


We are extending the rOGUE call for submissions deadline to April 17, 2020. We are all learning how to adapt to changes, and EE is committed to being as accommodating and flexible wherever we can. The rOGUE Gallery is a 5 x 4 metre space within Eastern Edge dedicated to showcasing work by Eastern Edge… Read More

Carmella Gray-Cosgrove as the inaugural Riddle Fence Writer In Residence


EE is excited to announce that in March-April 2020, we will be hosting Carmella Gray-Cosgrove as the inaugural Riddle Fence Writer In Residence, in partnership with Riddle Fence and Lawnya Vawnya! Carmella’s work has appeared or is forthcoming in Prism, Riddle Fence, Broken Pencil online, the Antigonish Review, Freefall and an anthology called “Hard Ticket.”… Read More

Melanie Colosimo hosts satellite Art Bar +Projects


  Join resident artist Melanie Colosimo as she hosts NSCAD’s Art Bar +Projects at Eastern Edge Studios. The pop-up AB+P will set the stage for an informal evening, featuring signature cocktails to compliment presentations from our artists in residence, Amery Sandford, David Carriere and Kate Lahey. Cocktails include, and not limited to: the Juicy Lippard,… Read More