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Year: 2020

Conversation Circle | “Walking” by Cristina Moretti

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Online Event Friday, May 22, 2020. 7:00 – 8:30 PM Do you ever get the feeling that the ground beneath your feet has shifted? Have you ever had a sudden realization that you have passed through some invisible barrier, or had a sneaking suspicion that the lines and the fences that parcel up the world… Read More

Drew Pardy: The Nipple of Stitches


Saturday, May 16th, 1:30 – 4:30 pm Let’s spend some time together, learning some new stitches, or revisiting some old, with this fun exploration of textiles and the body. Let’s embroider a 3-D nipple! Supplies* -fabric -small embroidery hoop -3+ colours of embroidery floss -embroidery needle -scissors -masking tape Here is a link to the… Read More

Faune Ybarra: Unusual Encounters, sharing circle


Saturday, May 9th, 6 – 8 pm Gather the “art” materials you have lying around in your house and have a couple of postcard-size sturdy paper at hand. How has it felt walking in open spaces? What have we seen that we didn’t notice before? Have we had an unusual encounter that made us feel… Read More

Afternoon Tea with Drew Pardy


Join us this weekend for virtual teatime via Zoom! Saturday, May 2, 2020. 1:30- 2:30 pm Pardy’s sister, Brooke, has been indulging in her love for vegan baking during isolation. Lucky for Pardy and her mom, they always have a delicious evening snack to munch on as they cuddle up with a hot tea. We… Read More